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Thursday, May 28, 2009

More Charlie Foolishness

Remember the boxes Coke cans used to come in - more square than long and skinny? Charlie loved those things. As soon as one was empty, he'd gingerly step in, head first, squirm his body fully in, gently turn around, then sit there, just his head poking out, meowing, purring, talking to us. He loved it!

In fact, he loves being in things. We had one of those 3-tiered, wire hanging baskets in our kitchen, and he quickly
 found how to climb into them from the kitchen counter. He liked to just sit there hanging and swinging while I cooked. Sometimes I'd come home from work and he'd be in there waiting. As he grew into a full-sized cat, those baskets became too small to his great sadness! He still tried until he was a couple of years old, but he just couldn't get comfortable!

Boxes, baskets, plastic and paper bags! All his playthings. This one you probably won't believe.... He used to purposefully put his head through one handle of a plastic grocery bag, then run through the house, bag "chasing" him, turn and attack it, and do it again until that bag was just shreds! Hard to believe...but true!

And if he saw me sitting after dinner with an apron on, he'd come rub on our legs. I'd take that apron off, tie the strings around his neck, then walk around the house, holding him stretched out above us, the apron looking like a superman cape on Charlie's back . No picture of that either! So silly - he'd be purring this whole time and when we set him down, would come rubbing on our legs again. "Supercat!" Pure foolishness!

We had an old, glass water cooler jar that he loved to sit in. We'd spin it while he was inside and you could hear his purring echoing in the jar. If he heard us putting the jar on its side, he'd run over so he could get in it. Sometimes he'd just make himself comfortable and take a little nap in there. 

One summer I had a bunch of empty boxes in my spare bedroom. Charlie found the one that got the most sunlight on it during the day and would sleep in there for hours. We called it his "Choven." Get it? So silly!

1 comment:

Princess said...

This is an awesome picture. If you get a chance...I think you should enter it into some pet photo contest. Simply stunning!