About Me

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Lisa and her family are leaving tomorrow. Going back to Jordan. Those wonderful 4 kids will be out of my arms' reach for another couple of years. I've been quite nonchalant about this whole visit. God has given me an unprecedented peace about spending time together. Translation: I haven't felt stress about packing in time together in the short while they've been in my city. 

Tonight I feel a little bit different. 

Tonight I want to spend the next 36 hours with them. 

I want to whisper in their ears how much I love them, how special they are to me, how much I value their lives, who they are now, who they will become. 

And I can't seem to stop this wet stuff from leaking out of my eyes. What on earth can it be? How could saying goodbye to 4 little critters cause this kind of a physical breakdown? I'd better see my doctor about it. 

Oh, no...actually, I think I figured out what it is. Never mind. No need to worry about me. I'll be fine...eventually!

Pardon me, though, those of you who live here with me, if I have to talk about Lisa's kids incessantly for the next year, but didn't you see how cute they are?

1 comment:

Me said...

(((hugs))) i know how dear they are to your heart, and how dear to their hearts YOU are. sorry this is so hard. may you find warm arms to hold you and dry your tears.

love, suz