About Me

Monday, August 9, 2010

More rambling...

Take a deep breath. Put in a relaxing movie. Listen to some music. Spend some time praying and reading my Bible.

I saw my doc on Friday and I do, indeed, need surgery. His conclusion is that this abdominal issue is either a micro-perforated appendix or an ovarian cyst. Hmm...they still aren't sure, but hopefully the surgeon I see tomorrow will be certain it is either one or the other. Will I have surgery this week? My doc has a real sense of urgency about this, but who knows what the surgeon will think.

I am relieved! Relieved? Why? Because everyone is asserting it isn't cancer. Of course, it isn't cancer, but I just couldn't get it out of my head with my dad's recent illness and death. It just was hitting too close to home.

So surgery. That's not that big a deal, really. I've had laporoscopic abdominal surgery before, and it was a pretty quick recovery. Didn't take much more than a month to feel like myself - really!

I can do that.

Meanwhile, I'm supposed to rest, take it easy, not lift anything. Bo-ring! I'd rather be hiking, planting more flowers in my garden, throwing my nephews around. Ok! I'll be good. I'll rest. Today all I'll do is watch my nephews at gymnastics play time, do a little laundry, sort through some papers on the dining room table, and wash a few dishes. Ok, I might make a little dinner, too, but it will be simple.

Does that count as resting, Sue? ;-D Ha, ha!

Meanwhile, I feel so loved, so supported, so taken care of. All my friends have offered help with whatever I might need. They are standing right by my side waiting to be called on. I remain in the bosom of God's love and in the cup of his hand.

Worried? A little. No one like to have to have surgery.

Anxious? Sure, somewhat. I'd rather not hear that they just can't pinpoint what a 7 cm mass of what appears to be an infection actually is.

But at peace, too. How? It must be God carrying me through. And so I remain in a place of gratitude even in the midst of this crazy summer.

P.S. These pics are from google images - a very small representation of the beauty I just saw driving across Wyoming. I didn't have a camera with me, but I can't get the beauty of that vast land out of my head. I might just have to try to draw it. A challenge!


Anonymous said...

Oh my dear friend...I am praying with you! I am so glad you feel loved and taken care of! You have been there for so many others before...may times of refreshing always be yours. Love you. T

Em said...

I'm glad that you got the answers you were looking for. Please let us know right away when you find out you are having your surgery. I would love to do anything I can for you, so please let me know! LOVE YOU!!

Anonymous said...

Cindy, Linda and I are concerned about you and are praying for you. God's healing touch is all you need! Via surgery. Ken