About Me

Monday, July 11, 2011


There are these trees blooming in my neighborhood that are covered with flowers - clusters of light yellow, delicate flowers that smell divine. Walking around the neighborhood this morning, strolling down the sidewalk, I heard a pretty loud buzzing. Bees. The tree was filled with busy bees going about their business, making their living, collecting pollen from all those lovely flowers.

It was amazing to stand beneath that tree and listen to the sound - one that is usually pretty malignant, that makes us cringe and look around to see where the buzzer might be. The stinger, really - that's what we're looking for.

But I just stood there, looking up, watching them contentedly gathering. They took no notice of me.

It felt like a metaphor for my summer. (Maybe this will be a stretch...)

Things are just buzzing along. My days are pretty busy - in fact, my schedule is more filled than I'd like. I haven't done but one tiny stitch of gardening (mixed metaphor), haven't been cooking very much, and am only getting in a hike every other week or so. (I keep thinking to myself, "Well, I can't do everything.")

My old complaint - that my schedule feels out of control. "What else is new?" those you who know me are thinking. Seems like I have to do this paring every 6 months or so...at least. :-) Something about me, my life, the way I live. So I'll once again try to pare things down and make room for other things - the gardening and hiking and family and cooking.

But it is, after all, summer. Summer seems to be busy for just about everyone. Kind of crazy, isn't it? The kids are out of school, we're all taking vacations, the days are long and hot - yet we run around like crazy people. It will be good to slow down a little.

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