About Me

Monday, June 27, 2011


I'm not writing much. And I'm not taking any pictures. I guess I just haven't had that much to say. Just ordinary summer days passing by.

But every once in a while something snaps into focus in my head.

A year ago today I was scrambling furiously to finish the slide show we wanted to use at Dad's funeral. I was sitting in that big church listening to people who had loved Dad for decades share their stories. I was wrapping up a week of hell and ready for what I was going to call my "blank day". I was about to collapse.

This will be quite a different week...and I am in quite a different place.

I don't feel tormented, exhausted, over-burdened, or overwhelmed.

I feel at peace, thankful for my father, thankful that I am not in emotional agony.

I am watching each of my flowers grow and my strawberries spread. I am figuring out how to organize my summer days, and wanting to get more time with my nephews. I am sort of coordinating a 4th of July camping trip, and figuring out what food I'll plan to make. I am trying to balance hiking and lovely yard work with boring house work. :-)

Tonight it is cool and quiet, and I can hear the train passing by downtown, a couple miles away. I spent the afternoon and evening with friends, cooked delicious fried rice for dinner, and am watching a little TV before bed. I read my sister's awesome blog and was reminded of that which is most important to me.

All in all, and especially compared to last June 27, today was just ... plain ... bliss.

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