Sometimes when Tim falls asleep before me and I wander through the house late at night, picking up a stray dish or two, checking tomorrow's weather, looking up some silly thing on the internet, a quiet peace falls over me. I walk into the bedroom and waiting on the bed is Egg, ready for a night of snuggling together. The quiet, warm light of my bedside table illuminates the pages of my book and I get sleepy reading lovely words, a story from someone's mind. In quiet moments like those, like tonight, after having spent a luscious quiet evening with Tim, I'm acutely aware and deeply thankful for all I have.
I cannot begin to express the wonder I feel at this life I live, have lived - the amazing things that God has shown me, the ways I've grown, the many gifts I have. I think of laughing with my sisters, the soft purr of Egg as we share a pillow, the flavors of sausage and red sauce over pasta. Co-workers who smile when they see me, the joy of anticipating dinner and games with wonderful neighbors. The flavor of a chocolate bar filled with nuts and fruit, the warmth inside my winter coat when a cold wind blows, the feel of soil in my hands when I plant my first spring vegetables. Sunsets I've seen over an expanse of ocean, a lightening storm I saw once from an airplane, waking up to the moon shining in my eyes as I slept in the absolute quiet of the desert. My family who loves me. My husband who is still in love with me after 26 1/2 years. My friends who enrich my life.
Music, music, music. And beauty.
I wasn't going to bore you with a long list.
Oh well. :)
Goodnight lovely world. I go to sleep with my mind at peace and my spirit filled with gratitude.