About Me

Friday, September 30, 2011


I am struck by the turning of the Earth, of days passing by, of quiet moments, of days filled to the brim, of shared laughter, of shared worries.

One friend, brand new to marriage, struggles to find her place, her rhythm in the new dance. Another friend, worn down by life, learns of a new physical malady that will follow her the rest of her life.

I spent today (and yesterday, and will spend tomorrow) cooking. Cooking mashed potatoes, green bean salad, chicken pot pie, bread pudding and bourbon sauce - all good things to satisfy and bring a smile. My first official catering job in Colorado! I'm excited, full of questions about the future of this venture, and ready to serve it up!

Life's twists and turns are strange, and so often take us by surprise. In my quiet house, on this quiet evening, I contemplate my life, the lives of those I love.

I hope tonight finds you at peace, in a place where you feel loved, filled with joy.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Change of plans

There is a tiny town in Colorado called Twin Lakes. As its name implies, it lies next to a pair of connected lakes which, I just found out, were originally formed by the morainal damming of Lake Creek by a Pleistocene glacier. The lakes are part of a rather stunning view that includes Mt. Elbert (the highest peak in Colorado). In the fall, this area's aspens are amazing as they turn to gold. Stunning, really. The mountainside looks like a patch-work quilt of yellow and green, and a hike along the southern edge of the lake takes one through a wonderland of beauty, twinkling golden yellow leaves, sparkling blue sky and water. Truly lovely. A sight to see.

For several years I have wanted to go on a fall camping trip to Twin Lakes. Last year was to be the year. Clearly that didn't happen, so that was one of my goals for this year: to camp at Twin Lakes while the leaves were at their peak.

It didn't happen. Long story that I won't bother telling here.

But something wonderful happened instead. Something that felt miraculous, like a gift just for me. My birthday just keeps going on and on! :-)

Friday night Tim said, "Let's use your new fire pit and have a little cookout with Brian and Sarah (our new, wonderful neighbors). So off we went to the store to get our supplies - hot dogs, burgers, stuff for coleslaw, etc. A great evening - friends, fire, yummy food!

And Saturday? Oh, Saturday!

I got to spend the whole day - morning to night - with a wonderful, incredibly busy friend whose life right now is kind of hard and full of challenges. We drove one of my favorite mountain roads (especially in the fall), saw the beginning of the changing leaves, took a wonderful hike in my favorite (so far) state park, made our leisurely way home, cooked dinner together, watched a movie. A day jam-packed with girl time, friend time. We talked of spiritual matters, problem-solved, laughed, told stories, sat in the sun at a beautiful lookout, and just enjoyed one another. It was a miraculous day.

I must say, I am sad not to have slept under the stars, awakened to the chilly, mountain air, taken that hike I love along the lake.

But honesty, Tim and I were worn out by last weekend. It was wonderful to not have to pack up, drive a couple hours, all that stuff. And the day with my friend? Wonderful. Just wonderful.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Weekend update...

I've been remiss. I haven't been writing much. So much for being a professional blogger. Ha ha! :-)

Let's see ... what's been going on?

I had a lovely birthday - two celebrations! One spontaneous one with friends, and one lovely one with family! They both added to my joy and sparkled up my life. Fried chicken at one and Chinese food at the other. Wonderful!

My fall harvest garden is coming along nicely.
  • I've already had a salad with my lettuce (didn't wash it, though - a gritty error)
  • the radishes will be ready to harvest any day
  • the beets are growing slowly but well
  • my peas haven't bloomed yet, so I'm skeptical of a harvest there
  • the kohlrabi is profuse (yum!)
  • and I'm about to plant spinach
Such fun! :-)

I'm working on catching-up on some of my housework. I really let things go to pot this last year (wonder why?!), and so am trying to get some things back under control. You know, return to some patterns that have worked in the past - things like washing clothes before the pile overtakes the whole bedroom floor, washing dishes before you run out of plates, sweeping before the dust bunnies organize themselves and begin attacking the cat. You know - just the basics. :)

Actually, I could make a kind of boring list of all the little things I'm doing that keep me busy, but I won't bother with that. Those are just the highlights. :-) Hmmm ... a birthday, gardening, and housework? How did that get in the highlight list? There must be something else interesting I've been doing, but at the current hour (won't tell you what time it is or why I am up at this wee hour of the morning), my brain isn't functioning too well.

"So why are you blogging?" you might ask. Good question. Uumm ... yeah ... Egg made me do it?

Tee hee hee ...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Me (giggle...)

Yesterday morning I awakened to fall. Seemingly we'd overnight turned the corner away from summer. I know we'll have some more hot days, some more days when the sweat drips off as I work in the yard or hike my favorite trail, but once again the end of the dog days are in sight. It's like a little gift just for me.

You see, tomorrow is my birthday. :-)

Last year I don't even really remember the day itself. I was still in la la land, on the slow road of recovery.

This year I'm filled with a silly, bubbling of joy.

I am filled with joy and thankfulness for my parents, whose bodies made me, whose love molded my life, whose lives so deeply influenced mine. I had extraordinary parents. Have I mentioned that? Of course, they had flaws. I don't have some kind of crazy delusion about their perfection, but they were rather wonderful people who strove to parent well. I grew up knowing I was loved and valued.

I am filled with gratitude for my health. I've healed "perfectly" (says my surgeon) from the scalpel's rude intrusion into my body. I am once again symptom-free from the endometriosis. I am getting stronger and stronger as the year goes along and I hike, ride my bike, garden, walk.

I am learning more and more about God and his love for me. It impacts my life not less and less as I grow in understanding, but more and more as my wonder grows along with that understanding. I am so deeply flawed, and I mess up so often, but I hope that I am growing as a person, learning to love better, getting wiser as my body gets stronger.

My life is good.

Yeah, yeah, I have difficulties (don't we all?). Yes, I miss my mom and dad so very much, etc., blah, blah, blah. Why list my troubles here, today?

The primary thought in my head is: My life is good.

And tomorrow is another day for me to say "thank you".