About Me

Monday, September 12, 2011

Weekend update...

I've been remiss. I haven't been writing much. So much for being a professional blogger. Ha ha! :-)

Let's see ... what's been going on?

I had a lovely birthday - two celebrations! One spontaneous one with friends, and one lovely one with family! They both added to my joy and sparkled up my life. Fried chicken at one and Chinese food at the other. Wonderful!

My fall harvest garden is coming along nicely.
  • I've already had a salad with my lettuce (didn't wash it, though - a gritty error)
  • the radishes will be ready to harvest any day
  • the beets are growing slowly but well
  • my peas haven't bloomed yet, so I'm skeptical of a harvest there
  • the kohlrabi is profuse (yum!)
  • and I'm about to plant spinach
Such fun! :-)

I'm working on catching-up on some of my housework. I really let things go to pot this last year (wonder why?!), and so am trying to get some things back under control. You know, return to some patterns that have worked in the past - things like washing clothes before the pile overtakes the whole bedroom floor, washing dishes before you run out of plates, sweeping before the dust bunnies organize themselves and begin attacking the cat. You know - just the basics. :)

Actually, I could make a kind of boring list of all the little things I'm doing that keep me busy, but I won't bother with that. Those are just the highlights. :-) Hmmm ... a birthday, gardening, and housework? How did that get in the highlight list? There must be something else interesting I've been doing, but at the current hour (won't tell you what time it is or why I am up at this wee hour of the morning), my brain isn't functioning too well.

"So why are you blogging?" you might ask. Good question. Uumm ... yeah ... Egg made me do it?

Tee hee hee ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tee hee hee! Egg looks like he had to work really hard to get you to the computer, too. He's plum tuckered out! Cutie.