About Me

Sunday, February 21, 2010


from last week sometime...

It is snowing again here in Colorado. It's falling steadily and slowly, the snow seeming to just drift to the ground. I went and stood outside, held out my hands to collect the snowflakes, and examined them. Perfectly formed. Unique. Each with 6 points, just like all those microscopic picture we've seen.

Some of the flakes fell and landed by themselves, each a picture of perfection, an example of creativity. Others fell in small clusters, clinging to each other, snagged on one another's six points. And as I watched them on my fleece gloves, they would melt, one arm at a time, disappearing surprisingly slowly.

The muffled sound of my neighborhood when it's covered with snow, the perfect chill, the silent falling of the snow, the beautiful display of perfect crystals.

What a wondrous afternoon.

Friday, February 19, 2010

The flu

It has, indeed, been a wonderful week of spending quiet time with Tim. We've watched as much of the Olympics as possible, plus a few of our other favorite shows. We've played games, read, talked, and eaten all our meals on the couch. It kind of feels like I've had a mini-vacation. He's been sick, but I've just taken time off from my regular life!

Today I'm back to work - doing laundry, washing some dishes, doing some stuff for the church youth group. We're gearing up for a big, fundraising banquet, and I've just printed the very lovely invitations our leader designed. They look...well...inviting! And beautiful! Fresh and full of spring, to perfectly fit our theme. Today I'll work on the menu while I watch some curling with Tim.

A quiet, snowy, stay-at-home kind of day!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Yeah! Tim is feeling better after having had the stomach flu for a couple days. Last night he actually ate a big bowl of soup. He's been an unusually good and cooperative patient this time around. Usually he won't rest like he should, etc. Silly man!

We've had a few lovely days sitting on the couch watching the Olympics together. I could have been doing housework, but why when my man's right there in the living room looking so cute. I did stay away from the "germ area" as I called it, though! His feet got lots of love. :-) I think today I'll let him go to the coffee shop if he feels up to it, and maybe he can even eat a sandwich for lunch.

Just hope I don't get it. Yuck!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


So I was doing housework today (if I'm honest, I will tell you I was finally taking down my Christmas decorations), chewing on a caramel when I bit down on something very hard. "My word!" I thought, "they had very poor quality control when they made these "fleur de sel caramels" that one of my best friends sent me from France. What in the world could that be? A huge piece of undissolved salt?"

I fished around in my mouth for the offending object, and what did I find? A voila...my gold crown! Well, I guess it wasn't the candy that was the problem, eh?

My lovely dentist was able to get me in just 2 hours later, giving me time for lunch before getting all numbed up. Yum!

And about the numbing. The dentist and her tech kept commenting on what an amazing job the cement had done of adhering to my tooth. Unfortunately, it didn't stick quite as well to the crown, but that wonderful adherence explains the need for numbing. They had to pick, scrape and buff on my very exposed tooth.

Yowser!! did I have some shooting pains before they figured out to give me more numbing, and then just a little more.

All's well that ends well, though, and I'm home now with a newly cemented crown - ready for more candy! Ha, ha!

Thank you, Dr. Jensen and Jane, for your tender hands and kind spirits. My teeth and I thank you!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


superbowl party
friends gather
food is laid out on the counter
the grill is fired up
we eat too much food
all of it tasty
quick and easy cinnamon fudge (thanks Giada)
fun board game
raucous laughter at the crazy advertisements
children running, rushing, laughing, playing
good conversation


I'm up super early this morning with a headache, but it's the first in about a week so it doesn't feel uncalled for. (Does that make sense?) The house is so quiet, Egg is sitting next to me on a pile of blankets - his favorite place when I'm working on the computer. He'd rather be on my lap, but that's a little hard to manage when I'm actually using the keyboard. :-)

Today is the Superbowl (the U.S., professional footballers' national championship), and there will be parties all over the U.S. as we gather to watch not only the game, but the crazy, new advertisements that will debut today. We've got a big party to attend, and it should be a fun time. I'm going to bring a couple of my favorite board games for those of us who aren't too interested in the football. We'll stay entertained while the guys watch TV.

This week I hope to write reviews on some books and update my book blog (which I most woefully neglect), sew a skirt, spend a day with my sister and her boys, and clean out my fridge (again and yuck!). If the skirt turns out, I'll take pictures and post them. Maybe I'll post pictures especially if it doesn't turn out, because those pictures could give you all some comic relief. Ha, ha! :-)

Just ordinary life happening here. Nothing too exciting, but plenty satisfying!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Good days

I'm not writing much, and I think that's because my days are flowing quite smoothly with nothing particularly good or bad happening - just daily life. As a consequence of having had so many migraines, however, I am feeling behind on house stuff, projects, errands, and so haven't made any of the several phone calls to friends far away who are loved and missed. I hope to do that by the end of this week - catch up with a couple of them.

It does feel like quite a relief to be able to go several days (4 now!) without pain, without a migraine. I've cooked dinner a couple times, started on recovering a couch for our church youth room, had a fun lunch with my sister, and even had friends over for dinner.

I've got a huge, long list of things I'd like to accomplish in 2010, including several sewing and knitting projects. Tomorrow and Friday are pretty much clear, so today I'm going to choose which project to focus on during those two days. Sounds lovely to me - a couple days at home working on something creative. Yum!

I could do house work, of which there is no dearth, but how dreary and dull. I think I'll put it off and do the fun stuff. As Scarlet O'Hara was known to say, "After all, tomorrow is another day!"