About Me

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I'm up super early this morning with a headache, but it's the first in about a week so it doesn't feel uncalled for. (Does that make sense?) The house is so quiet, Egg is sitting next to me on a pile of blankets - his favorite place when I'm working on the computer. He'd rather be on my lap, but that's a little hard to manage when I'm actually using the keyboard. :-)

Today is the Superbowl (the U.S., professional footballers' national championship), and there will be parties all over the U.S. as we gather to watch not only the game, but the crazy, new advertisements that will debut today. We've got a big party to attend, and it should be a fun time. I'm going to bring a couple of my favorite board games for those of us who aren't too interested in the football. We'll stay entertained while the guys watch TV.

This week I hope to write reviews on some books and update my book blog (which I most woefully neglect), sew a skirt, spend a day with my sister and her boys, and clean out my fridge (again and yuck!). If the skirt turns out, I'll take pictures and post them. Maybe I'll post pictures especially if it doesn't turn out, because those pictures could give you all some comic relief. Ha, ha! :-)

Just ordinary life happening here. Nothing too exciting, but plenty satisfying!

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