About Me

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Me (giggle...)

Yesterday morning I awakened to fall. Seemingly we'd overnight turned the corner away from summer. I know we'll have some more hot days, some more days when the sweat drips off as I work in the yard or hike my favorite trail, but once again the end of the dog days are in sight. It's like a little gift just for me.

You see, tomorrow is my birthday. :-)

Last year I don't even really remember the day itself. I was still in la la land, on the slow road of recovery.

This year I'm filled with a silly, bubbling of joy.

I am filled with joy and thankfulness for my parents, whose bodies made me, whose love molded my life, whose lives so deeply influenced mine. I had extraordinary parents. Have I mentioned that? Of course, they had flaws. I don't have some kind of crazy delusion about their perfection, but they were rather wonderful people who strove to parent well. I grew up knowing I was loved and valued.

I am filled with gratitude for my health. I've healed "perfectly" (says my surgeon) from the scalpel's rude intrusion into my body. I am once again symptom-free from the endometriosis. I am getting stronger and stronger as the year goes along and I hike, ride my bike, garden, walk.

I am learning more and more about God and his love for me. It impacts my life not less and less as I grow in understanding, but more and more as my wonder grows along with that understanding. I am so deeply flawed, and I mess up so often, but I hope that I am growing as a person, learning to love better, getting wiser as my body gets stronger.

My life is good.

Yeah, yeah, I have difficulties (don't we all?). Yes, I miss my mom and dad so very much, etc., blah, blah, blah. Why list my troubles here, today?

The primary thought in my head is: My life is good.

And tomorrow is another day for me to say "thank you".

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