Ok, I know I've been writing so seldom that those of you in the habit of checking my blog might be giving up. I hope you don't. I'll do better - not that what I write amuses you in any great way, but I guess it must at least somewhat or you wouldn't keep up with me! ;-)
Anywho, here's at least one reason I've not been writing. I've had a significant change in my physical state: the migraines under which I've suffered for years seem to be diminishing at a remarkable rate. I'm getting only three or four a month, and that is amazing and life changing! I didn't remember what it felt like to have the kind of energy and time I'm experiencing! I can do pretty much whatever I want...and therein lies my neglect of this blog (and several other things - like quiet time to myself). I'm saying "yes" to practically everything that comes my way, and every day is filled with craziness, going here and there. For the first time in years I am able to say "yes" to so much stuff, even to take the initiative on things and follow-through.
I'm having fun, but I've realized something. I don't know how to say "no", I don't know how to control my own life and schedule. For so long, the crazy migraines did that for me, and I don't know how to do it myself. The headaches managed my time by making me unable to do stuff, to follow-through, to take initiative. I so often had to cancel, change plans, not attend something, and now that seems to be changing.
What this means, though, is that I somehow have to figure this out for myself, not be quite so busy. I'm working on it, and excited about the open possibilities of a schedule not hampered by pain!
My second thought for today is this: Yesterday a friend shared with me a momentous event in one of her relationships. Someone from whom she realistically never expected an apology for years of hurt and painful treatment did apologize, and expressed a desire to "build bridges".
I was left speechless.
What an amazing lesson to me - don't give up! I was reminded of what St. Paul wrote in the New Testament about love. He said: "Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance."
Love never gives up.
Do I live my life this way? Do I have this kind of faith and hope about the tough relationships in my life? My friend's story is such a shining beacon to me of not giving up, of lovingly speaking truth into even the most difficult of relationships, yes - for the principal of it, but also as a continuing foundation of love and the hope that someday things might turn around. And instead of avoiding and running away, leaving a stepping stone pocketed with untruths and unfaithfulness, you'll have a foundation of love and truth on which to rebuild.
Thanks, friend, for sharing. Thanks for having faith and endurance. And thanks for always spurring me on to live a better life.