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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas is coming

The stresses of Christmas pile up one on top of the other, and I struggle to keep the Christ child at the top of the pile. But why else am I cooking these treats, decorating this house, wrapping these gifts? Only to honor His birth and the life he lived - for me.

Golden sunlight fills my house, music rings out, oatmeal is cooking on the stove early in the morning. I am in a thoughtful mood today, with burdens swirling around in my head. I feel heavily weighed down despite the pending festivities. I want to set these burdens aside for a few days and celebrate with a light spirit and joy! So I lift up a prayer...

May my days bring glory to the God who chose to come to earth in order that I might be reconciled with my Creator, with the One who loves me more than any other, the Maker of the universe, the I Am, Emmanuel - God with us.

Thank you, Jesus, for choosing to be with us, among us. May our celebration of your birthday bring you joy and honor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN, AMEN, AMEN . . . praying this with you and for you. Have a lovely day in worship.
Rebecca C