About Me

Thursday, December 22, 2011


The falling snow has stacked up to about 6 inches, and it is still coming down, although certainly thinning. I have the last of my shopping to do, not including the IOUs I will be giving out this year. :) I'm just not going to be able to get it all done. The kids will have their gifts, of course! :-)

After shoveling, Tim brought in yesterday's mail, damp from the snow that fell all night. In it was a lovely hand-written letter from a very old friend - from Indonesia days - and inside her letter was one my mom sent her 27 years ago. I put Mom's letter down on my desk for just a minute before reading it, just to get my heart ready.

As I read through the letter, I could hear Mom's voice, see her going about her business, all that she described. I could feel the understanding and support, the envelope of love and care in which I grew up. Often, as she was sitting in bed reading or writing letters, I would lie down next to her and we would talk, and she would rub my back or play with my hair. Always tender, always gentle, except when she would hug us hello or goodbye as we traveled back and forth from boarding school. Then her hugs were fierce and strong, and I knew she hated to let me go.

An unexpected gift so close to Christmas - to hear my mother's voice, to receive this letter. I don't know quite what to think, except that my heart must be healing as there were very few tears. And that's just as it should be.

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