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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Bad dreams

Ever have one of those nights when you toss and turn, and every time you wake up it's from a terrible dream?


Last night was like that for me. It seems there's quite a bit on my emotional plate - maybe more than I thought! I did some heavy journaling yesterday on some issues that have lately come to light, and it was all spinning around in my mind as I slept. Whew! It was interesting what the dreams were about - it seemed like the issues I'd spent the most time writing about weren't the ones most disturbing my subconscious. I'll take note of that.

So today, on this cloudy Sunday, I'd better get myself out of bed and ready to go. Church, hanging out with a friend, maybe games with neighbors tonight. A lovely day after having been sick much of this week. I'm almost all better - still eating a little tentatively and in tiny portions, but when is that bad? :-)

A pretty sweater, comfy cords and warm socks. I'll be all set. Even with the bad night's sleep. If I could just get out of this warm bed...

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