About Me

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The big sort

Today Becky and I tackled cleaning out a bunch of Dad's stuff. Yuck. What a horrible job. We did it, though! And we gave each other a high five at the end of our day. And ate Indian food. Comforting. :-)

Dad's office...what can I say? We found several things that made us shake our heads. "Oh, Dad, what were you thinking?"

And we found other things that made us laugh out loud. Like the piles and piles of paper.

Yep. Paper.

Notebooks. Looseleaf. 3x5 cards. Printing paper. Manilla folders. Hanging files. Fancy resume paper. Christmas stationary. Hotel notepads. Sticky notes.

If there had been some sort of disaster (like Y2K) - he'd have been all stocked up.

And we cleaned out the last of his clothes. Oh, those seersucker shirts that he loved! And as we folded and sorted, it became rather obvious that his favorite kind of shirt was plaid. Blue, green, yellow, red. Didn't seem to matter.


Becky said sometimes it feels like he's just on another trip.

I wish I sometimes felt that way. Like he'll be coming back in another month.

My dad. Sure did love him. Sure do.

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