About Me

Monday, May 9, 2011

Stuck like glue

Today is our 25th anniversary ... of our first date.

This date marks the beginning of our love. From this date twenty-five years ago, we haven't spent a day apart in our hearts. All through the end of high school, all through college we never did the break-up/get back together thing. We were always together.

Twenty-five years. A quarter of a century.

We were so young! And all we knew was that we really like each other. But that liking soon, so soon, matured into love, and much too soon for my parents' comfort, it was declared real love, life-long love.

How could our young hearts have known what we wanted for our future? I've never had a very good answer to that.

But it has stuck.

Not perfectly and without conflict. Not without perennial issues that every time they raise their heads we think, "This again?" Not without long-term, nagging struggles that seem foolishly unresolved. Not without struggles, pain, and some heartbreaking stuff.

But with love.

With joy.

With tons of fun.

And I am so thankful.

I'm still in love. And so is he.

1 comment:

Olivia Joy said...

I love this post.