About Me

Friday, August 5, 2011


There was the thinnest, most delicate frosting of snow Pike's Peak yesterday morning. Summer, it appears, is losing its grip on us, and those dog days of heat are almost certainly nearing their end. We'll have a few more days in the 90s, but not many. The nights are already back in the 50s, and the heat of the day lasts but for a few hours.

All this reminds me of the passage of time, of the days and months of our lives. I am particularly thankful for this summer to be almost over - it means I've done all my firsts without Dad. First birthday, first Christmas, first Father's Day, first anniversary. And I'm quickly passing by all the dates that marked my own illness last year - CT scans, appointments filled with discouraging news, surgery, healing.

And mostly I'm thankful. Thankful that time does pass. That each sunrise and sunset bring a little more healing, a little more closure. That today's problems don't always have to be solved today - sometimes, when evening falls, we can just set aside all those problems, relax for the night, and face them again in the broad light of a new day.

I am thankful for time. I am thankful for my sunny yard filling with flowers. I'm thankful for each little beet growing in my garden. I am thankful for quiet evenings with Tim.

Life goes on. A cliche, but blessedly true.

1 comment:

sarahruthie said...

Man...reading this makes me want to sit with you in your living room, letting the afternoon glow of summer-ending sunshine grace the windows and the floor, as we eat yummy things and talk and laugh and cry. I miss getting in the car and driving through Colorado, and new world full of beauty enrapturing. I miss time with you. I miss all these things you expressed in this post, experiencing them with you from the safety of your house or the danger of your car (haha, you crazy driver!) I miss you and I love you and Colorado. Give it a kiss for me, will ya?