Weird - I took a minute to look through my old posts and found about 8 that I never published, but are sitting there waiting for me to edit. I'll try to get to those. Meanwhile, good news about my house! I actually got my sun room cleaned out and ready to accept boxes from the basement. I can really start on my "big house project" as I've been calling it for a year!
Ah, April is halfway through! I had a lovely, long conversation with my sister in Jordan last week, and it made me think about that wonderful, amazing, truly lovely trip I took last year. Talking with her made me want to transport myself back there. Those relaxing mornings after the kids were off to school, drinking mint and chamomile tea in her kitchen. I can't tell you how meaningful that tea was. It has become for me the touchstone of that trip. I
was sick the whole time, remember? And that warm, fragrant tea every morning seemed to put a layer of comfort and love over each day. It started each day out slowly and with such care that even if I didn't feel good, each day was still special and wonderful.
I miss Lisa so much! She is my sister-soulmate. I don't really have room to describe our relationship here. That month with her and her wonderful family was a time I will cherish for the rest of my life.
I could go on and on. I could talk about the desert, the white and cream buildings of which all of Amman is built, the delicious food, the fun of hearing Arabic and learning just a little, the new cultural experiences, the old lady who comes to Lisa's porch once a week selling her fresh vegies, the t-ball games, the funny fast food restaurants, the drives across the countryside, the warm smiles and kisses of every woman who met me, the beautiful dresses everywhere, the smell of the neighborhood bakery, the laughter of the kids in the yard.
I could talk about the instant reconnection between me and Lisa, as if no time or distance had ever separated us. I could talk about our open hearts and the wonderful conversations we had. I could try to describe the warm, filled-up feeling in my heart whenever I think of last April. So could all of you who read this go back and look at one of my Jordan entries, and join me in remembering this amazing time? I'd just love that! Today I'll be looking at pictures and reading in my journal, too!