About Me

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tough start

I've gotten quite a bit done in the past 3 weeks - surprising considering how many migraines I've been getting. Good thing I rescheduled my usual Thursday time with a friend for Saturday, because I felt like kaka all day long. Had to cancel 2 other things (I'd packed the day with friend-time). I won't belabor the point, but I am worn out and frustrated. I'd like to be getting a little bit done every day, but days like today I spend back and forth from the couch to the bed. Boring, irritating...and painful.

If you're so inclined, I could use your prayers. I know this is a temporary state, I know it is so much less than so many have to endure. I haven't lost sight of that. The best comfort is the sure knowledge of God's love and provision for me. I'm still tired, though, and discouraged. 'Nuf said.

Next week will be better - I'm sure!?

1 comment:

Em said...

I will be praying for you and thinking of you, friend! Were you able to go to your movie night? I hope you are feeling better today.
