About Me

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A wish granted!

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...wait, that doesn't seem quite right...

Raindrops keep falling on my head...no, that doesn't seem right either...

Ahh! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Welcome to what they call spring in Colorado! My wish has been granted and we're getting one more really good dump of snow, cold and wind here in Colorado. That is making my heart very happy! I think Tim and I just might go for a stroll tonight and enjoy the snow. That would make me even happier. 

The bad side of the story is the roads are terrible! I stopped at Blockbuster to get some movies for my night in, and had some very slick spots on my very short drive home. 

I'm happy, though. I get to snuggle into the couch, pop in a favorite movie, call the cats to my lap, light a fire, and watch the snow fall. :-) Ahh, good times!


tara said...

oh man!!! Roll around in some of that stuff for me:):):)

Jessica said...

Oh, how happy for you. And I'm so thankful it's sunshiny in Ohio! Perfect!