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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Back in the saddle again

Sure seems like with all that's happened in the last month I would have new issues. I do, but the same old ones are just lying there under the new ones. :-)

Time to start getting myself back on my feet and taking care of myself and my hubby. Clean house, grocery shop, do laundry, exercise. It will feel good to get back in the saddle. It will feel like a healthy part of life going on. It will feel like I can step back into old, comfortable shoes and wear them around all day. I hope.

The challenge is finding those shoes and actually putting them on, because what I feel like doing is sitting in front of the TV or reading all day. Escaping, basically. I guess I'll do some of that, too, but today I'd better sweep and do a little house cleaning before we disappear under the mess. I told Tim last night that our house is getting a little nest-like, and not in a good way.

Big breath.

Saddle up!

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