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Friday, July 16, 2010

Can you tell I'm thinking about food?

I'm not quite hiking up Queen's Canyon, but wonder of wonders, starting last night I got to eat bland food! Such a relief. I wasn't starving, and that really surprised me. In fact, I was surprisingly not hungry. My body telling me to please leave it alone? Perhaps. But, there's only so much Jell-o you can eat before you get bored...

So today I plan to eat white rice and applesauce. Woo hoo! Thank goodness for me, those are two things I actually love! I won't eat very much, mind you, because I had a little bit last night (about 1/4 c of rice), and my tummy feels a little funny again this morning. I guess I really need to do what my body tells me right now...although my heart is telling me that a warm flour tortilla with a little pile of refried beans and avocado would be delicious. Woops! That one will have to wait. :-)

I've been encouraged as I've been reading about my new condition. I can still eat all the things I love - spicy, exotic, sometimes fatty, wonderful stuff. ;D I just need to make sure those things are the indulgences and not the regular items.

Of course, I already knew that, didn't I? It's as if I'm not really needing to do anything new - just make the changes I already intended, but with a little more urgency and purpose of mind. And that's never a bad thing.


Em said...

Glad to hear that you are able to start eating some. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Love it! (the final picture) Ha, ha! Lisa