About Me

Saturday, July 24, 2010


I've had a crazy summer.

Tim's bike wreck in May that tore his shoulder and put him out of commission for 8 weeks (so far!).

My dad's illness and death in June.

My illness in July.

Is that going to be it for the summer? I sure hope so. I'd like nothing else to happen. I'd like quiet days, filled with hiking, gardening, job hunting (for Tim), getting back into some sort of routine.

And I thought I'd be well by now. I surely didn't expect what my ct scan showed - that I have an infection in my abdomen, but they can't tell what exactly it is. Hmm. Another 10 days of antibiotics; another ct scan. If the results aren't positive or conclusive, surgery to "clean it out" as the doctor said. Yuck! Surely don't want surgery, so I'm hoping this next round of antibiotics will work.

It seems that this isn't to be the tranquil summer I had in mind. I'm trying to just roll with the punches, but they're coming a little hard and fast. Quick, duck!

I must give credit to my friends who have been amazing! They have carried me through these tough weeks and months - from near and far. How can I thank them? How can I ever adequately convey to them what their love and friendship has meant to me. I probably can't, but I'll try to figure something out, and it will probably have something to do with food. :-)

1 comment:

Em said...

Cindy, sorry to hear you are still so sick. I have been praying for you and will continue to do so. Love you!