About Me

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

My cat has a cold. An actual sniffles, sneezing, congestion, wheezing cold.

Or maybe its a sinus infection. I'm not sure which.

How many cats get colds? In all my years...

When he sneezes, yes, I wipe his nose with a tissue. I give him extra snuggling (not much of a burden), and I comfort him when he feels crummy. Too bad I can't give him hot tea to drink. :-)

Sometimes, when life seems extra hard, its the littlest things that bring us that extra touch of joy. My poor kittie has a cold, but his little face, his warm body, his purring (even with a stuffy nose) do that for me.

Today is Thanksgiving, and there is much for which I am thankful. Here's just a sampling...

my kittie, of course
being able to make a rockin' good pie (crust included)
beautiful yarn
hot tea in the mornings
my amazing husband
sisters with whom I have wonderful relationships
my God who sustains me and holds me in the cup of his hand

May your day be filled with family, love and delicious food!

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