About Me

Friday, December 24, 2010

Good night

Candles flickering, carols in the air, surrounded by friends in the half-light of Christmas Eve. "I am in the bosom of my family," I thought tonight as I worshiped the Newborn King, the Savior King, the Risen King, warm tears running down my cheeks.

Tough hours. I'm missing Dad so much thinking of our many wonderful Christmases. Stories we would tell around our family table. Memories we shared.

But tonight was calm and peaceful. Tim and I enjoyed it in our own special way, and were able to spread some love to a good friend who was in need of it.

I am going to bed feeling so loved by so many. It is an incredible gift that I hope I will never take for granted. Christmas Eve after an incredibly difficult year. And the year is almost over. A relief, to say the least.

I go to bed sad, but at peace, warm down to my toes, filled with love and a kind of deep, abiding joy.

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