About Me

Monday, March 14, 2011


Clearly I'm not feeling too inspired to write these days. I think that's because life is back to a somewhat normal routine. I feel almost normal inside, too. I still miss Dad so much. In giant waves that wash over me with little predictability. Sometimes at odd and inconvenient times. I recognize this. It happened with Mom, and still does ocassionally, but not as much.

It's amazing to know that the heart does heal. When Mom died, I thought I would die. I know that won't happen this time. I know that in a few years I won't miss Dad quite as much, memories won't stab like they do, and I'll be able to think about him without this pain.

So life is really getting back to some kind of normal with a full calendar, lots to do, working on projects, spending time with people. Actually, my life is kind of a whirlwind right now, but that's all right.

So I'm off to do what I do - starting with toast and hot tea. Sure wish I had something profound or funny to share, but it's just another day over here. Laundry, family, house, friends. Just ordinary life. :-)

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