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Monday, December 13, 2010

Back home

Where have I been? Is it already December 13th? I have nothing profoud to say, but I'll write a little update anyway...

My week in Breckenridge ended with a bang as the car I had borrowed pooped out on me. Long story short - it all worked out, I didn't end up stranded somewhere on a mountain pass, and a ride home materialized in an amazing way! Other than the car operating perfectly, it couldn't have been any smoother, really.

I arrived home and dove back into life...perhaps a little deeper than was wise. Last week was crazy busy, but I'm going to try to scale back a little more, and not just for the next couple weeks. I'm still carrying a heavy emotional burden, and until that lifts, I need to create and maintain a little more space for feeling, writing, thinking, crying, etc.

Christmas is fast approaching, and I just wish the whole thing could be ignored this year, but there's not much chance of that. So instead of digging as deep into a hole as I can, I'm going to try to focus on the many good and wonderful things in my life. That way, while facing life, even with the hard stuff in plain view, I'll also have a clear view of all the good.

After all, I continue to contend that I live a blessed life with innumerable amazing and wonderful gifts. I'll try to keep that my focus.

1 comment:

sarahruthie said...

you can't understand how reinforcing and encouraging it is to have a friend who is broken just like me.
sometimes when im around you i feel so much joy that i forget that you struggle with burdens every day.
so when i read this and remember you carry these weights, it feels so good knowing someone else carries these weights and it's not bad that i do too.
i love God so much, but i carry pain around you know?
how awesome that He's given me you as a gift of a place where those burdens lift slightly?
i'm going to miss your unconditional love a lot