About Me

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Fear, worry, crying, a million phone calls, waiting, talking, confusion. A yoyo of a day. Roller-coaster. Whirlwind.

That pretty much sums up yesterday. There's a million details I could share in telling the story, but very long story short, there may or may not be more wrong than anyone initially thought. Conflicting test results. It will all have to wait until after surgery. Then we'll know - hopefully no more "we're just not sure".

We're more afraid than we were, but not much more. We did an awful lot of processing yesterday. I'm certainly more anxious than I was yesterday. Just another day of waiting? Who knows.

But I'll take deep breaths, each one giving back to God this whole situation. A deep breath, and I'll pray for his protection, submitting myself to his will. Another deep breath, and I'll think of the verses with which he's filled my mind.

And each time that cold fear creeps into my stomach, I'll breath, pray, think, and wait.

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