About Me

Friday, October 29, 2010

Bright lights

I drive down the street through a modern-day Babylon. The brightly lit buildings lure me with their plush clothes, and even the broad street's twinkling river of lights seems a reflection of the river that flowed through the middle of that great city.

I am both thrilled and repelled by those lights, those temptations.

What makes this place a Babylon? The excess, the variety, the endless choice? Not necessarily bad things, but they do tend to draw my heart away from what is real, what is important, what gives my life meaning and significance.

I keep driving - home to Tim, home to a cuddly kitty, home to our simple life, filled with (yes, things I love), but also filled with relationships, tasks, and patterns that fill my heart and draw me into peace and joy.

1 comment:

sarahruthie said...

you are an exquisite writer.
i love reading you!