About Me

Thursday, October 28, 2010

This day

Quiet house, music playing, the shush-shush of the dishwasher...

Golden autumn sunshine streaming in my windows, fresh laundry lying folded on the couch, and a fat kitty asleep on the bed...

A hot breakfast in my belly, the day begun in quiet and love, I suddenly feel ready to tackle the grief inside me. Finally after months and months of staggering, I feel strong enough to take care of my home and my heart. Perhaps it is the newly-given permission to take better care of myself. I feel released, somehow allowed now, to have a quiet fall, with lots of days for me to cook, pray, sew, journal, spend time alone, time with God, with friends, family.

My time is my own, and I choose to give this piece and that piece away. But it is right, it is healthy, it is good for me to save a quantity just for me, so that I will be able to give away what I choose with a glad heart and a healthy spirit.

Not new thoughts, but certainly newly reclaimed and taken into my heart and mind with an urgency and truthfulness.

Thanks, friends, for reminding me of these truths and walking this path with me. You are loved. I am loved.

1 comment:

sarahruthie said...

you are indeed loved.

this is so great. i praise God for mornings alone like this.

this morning i went out on the porch with my journal and some tea and i wrote down a lot of things i've been scared to write down lately. some things have been holding me back, from telling God! can you believe it?
but He has good and reminded me...I'm not too much for Him

and that's the best way to put it