About Me

Sunday, October 17, 2010


My dear next door neighbor Jill got married today. An amazing and wonderful celebration! A fun afternoon and evening. A beautiful party. She looked so beautiful and happy. He looked overwhelmed and relieved - at least by the the reception. :-) They danced, they roamed the room, they enjoyed their friends, they drank lots of wine.

And we all joined them, participated in those wedding rituals. We stood in her honor as she walked down the aisle, radiant on this day just for her and Jack. We lifted our glasses in toasts to them and their future. We ate a lovely meal, and watched them cut the cake - hoping that their lives will reflect the prosperity symbolized by the celebration.

I am so happy for her, to see that her heart is filled with love for this man. She has had some hard years, and I want the absolute best for her. I want her to have as happy a marriage as I have. I want her to find bliss with her husband, and find that path that leads through all the hard stuff, but the path on which you walk hand in hand, figuring it out together.

Marriage isn't all daisies and butterflies. We all know that. But, oh my, what a wonder it can be! What a blanket of warmth and comfort, an afternoon of laughter and sunshine, a quiet evening of soup and fresh-baked cornbread.

I love weddings. I love hearing the recitation of vows and saying them quietly in my head. And sometimes, if I look over at Tim, I can see his lips moving.

Ain't love grand?


Anonymous said...

Like this one! You made me tear up sweet friend! Julie

Olivia Joy said...

Yaay J&J! I'm happy for them :)

sarahruthie said...

reading this today, after our conversation last night, brings joy to my heart