About Me

Monday, October 4, 2010

A week

What a difference a week can make. My heart has been encouraged spending time in the Bible, spending time in my house, just resting my heart. I had quiet evenings, beautiful days filled with sunshine, easy meals.

I had some hard days, too, but overall it was a good week. I am so thankful!

I am especially thankful to feel better emotionally, because I'm on a somewhat non-voluntary vacation. It's a long story.

Whatever the case, Tim and I have spent the last 3 days in Washington, D.C., staying with his cousin and wife. They are such wonderful people - fun, easy to be with, inviting! I used to feel nervous when family gatherings of Tim's family were on the horizon. Would people like me? Would they accept me? Would it be difficult to get into the circle?

Nope. Tim comes from a family filled with lovely, warm, and accepting people. They loved me as if they'd known me my whole life, and that has been true since day one. Amazing, heart warming. I'm thankful for that, too.

It has been great to be with Tim, too. At home, in my routine, I wasn't missing him too much. In fact, I was enjoying the quiet of the house, and the very small amount of mess just one person makes. ;-) But seeing him, getting my little kisses, spending time together - it's just wonderful. I do love him so much. And he's just so cute.

Tomorrow we head on to Blacksburg, Virginia, to spend a couple days with friends from Tim's graduate school days. We should have a lovely drive. Even though these three days have been quite nice, I'm looking forward to a few days alone on the road. And then we'll take our time getting home. They should be relaxing days. More good time for my heart.

I surely didn't want to leave home, but I think it has been good. I think it's been good to get out of my cocoon and make myself spend time with people. And it has certainly been very cool seeing stuff in our nation's capitol. More on that later. Tonight...on to bed!

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