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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Here we go again

It's so exciting to put seeds and plants in the ground and then watch them grow. Last year's strawberries are blooming like crazy, and the patches of pink flowers all over the front yard are just beautiful! I'd forgotten how pretty a simple strawberry plant is.

What a joy to wake up early this morning and watch the sun as it gathered steam, slowing coming over the roof of the garage to dapple all my lovely plants in its light. The birds are singing up a storm, people are walking their happy dogs in the cool of the morning, and I'm drinking a hot cup of sweet tea.

What a way to start a day!

We're approaching the end of May, and so, according to most authorities, it is safe to start planting here in Colorado. There's no guarantee it still won't freeze, but it is less likely than even a week ago. I was determined this year I would start things off from seed to save money, but I just didn't get to that. Next year?

So I compromised. I bought my herbs and a few plants, but will do some from seed, too. I'm excited about my little garden, and it is just so pretty with the newly turned, dark chocolate brown earth. Such an inviting bed for my baby seeds. :-)

I've got a couple tomatoes from which I hope to get more than a bumper crop of green tomatoes, although I must say those green tomatoes last year were quite tasty! :-) I will have a few rows of lettuce and beets through the really hot weather, then I'll plant more seeds when falls gets closer. I'm doing carrots again, and this year trying okra (for Tim), and yellow wax beans. I meant to get pole beans, but I think I have bush beans. We'll see how much room they take up. I might have to crowd the okra. :-)

Meanwhile, my herbs from last year are thriving, flowering, adding an early beauty to my otherwise bare garden. Such a wonder to me the profusion of color, smells, shapes, and soon to be flavors that come out of the earth. And how thankful I am for each of them!

P.S. If you have chives, violets or nasturtiums, think about using them in salads and as garnishes this spring and summer. Lots of flowers (but not all!) are edible. Many have a lovely, peppery taste. Check out this website for more info. Think of the color and surprise you could add to your family's plate!


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