About Me

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Charlie Brown

We went Christmas tree shopping today. Short, fat, tall, skinny, dense, sparse, light green, dark green, soft needles, pokey needles! The choices are almost as overwhelming as those at Starbucks! And I have this voice inside that puts enormous pressure to pick the perfect tree - the tree that will give me the most joy, the most glee each time I look at it. Which tree is that?

So we wander around. Hold this one up. Try this one. Is this one better? Too tall? Too fat? Too expensive? Then, finally, I can't look any longer and we pick one. Of course, it always turns out great. How could I fail to love any Christmas tree that Tim and I choose together, decorate together, enjoy together?

Today's sermon was about judging our fellow men, unconditional love, ways we can choose to reflect God's character in our own. I am reminded that God loves me no matter what kind of tree I am. He loves me as I grow and change year to year. He loves me when I am droopy and worn out. He loves me when I am on fire and ready to go to work.

And that's what this time of year is all about for me - a celebration of just how much God loves me and the gifts that He's given me. An amazing time of year!

How wonderful to not live with the scrutiny and judgment that I myself throw out into the world. How lovely to come home to any Christmas tree, sparkling with lights, ornaments I've had for years and years, and a house filled with love.


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