About Me

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Early mornin'

Well, I woke up to snow falling again, a cold, gray morning, and Tim leaving for a week on a business trip. As I write this, I'm listening to Peter, Paul & Mary, comfort music! I have mixed feelings about both the snow and Tim's trip. Usually I love snow, but my car is quite bad on it, and Tim left his car at the airport. As far as his being gone is concerned, I anticipate a week of very quiet, productive days of sewing and some other fun stuff, but I will miss my best friend and companion. He is such a joy in my life (despite my frequent complaining about his slob-ness), and I'll miss his rumbling around the house, and our silliness and teasing.

Think this silly face can help distract me? Big smile on my face right now! :-)

I've got plans to distract myself with projects and time with friends, but mostly I'll enjoy the quiet of the house and the days with no obligations - no meals I have to cook (I can eat a salad for lunch and cereal for dinner - 2 things that would not satisfy my construction working husband whose body requires copious amounts of food, including meat!), no movies I'm not particularly interested in, no running errands for him, and much less laundry. I really think it will be lovely.

But I do already miss him.

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